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Adding the Email Subject, Sender and Content

Once you’ve set up the form, you can to add the content of the email that user will receive when the form is submitted:

9-a. Email: Subject line – Here you can set the Email Subject that user will receive when the form will be submitted.

9-b. Email: From line (email address) – Here you can set the Email From Address that user will receive when the form will be submitted.

9-c. Email: From line (name) – Here you can set the Email From Name that user will receive when the form will be submitted

9-d. Email: Content – Here you can set the Email Content that user will receive when the form will be submitted. You MUST USE {{LINK}} in the email content as it will be replaced with the Unique Download Link. If the line breaks are not working properly, then you can use HTML br tag: <br/>


All done. Click on the ‘Save’ button, then copy the generated shortcode and paste it into the post/page where you want to display the form.

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