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WooCommerce Homepage

Spiffy comes with support for WooCommerce plugin. You can easily sell products. You can find more about WooCommerce plugin here

Homepage example(page with template WooCommerce homepage):

You can choose which content to display via customizer:


  1. Homepage layout: you can choose which layout to display on the homepage: boxed, boxed with a sidebar on left or right, full width, full width with a sidebar on left or right.
  2. Content position: top or bottom of the page
  3. Hide/show featured section on homepage
  4. Hide/show categories section on homepage
  5. Hide/show recently added section on homepage
  6. Hide/show popular section on homepage
  7. Hide/show On Sale section on homepage
  8. Hide/show Best Sellers section on homepage
  9. Hide/show Blog posts section on homepage
  10. Product page layout: you can choose which layout to display on the product page: boxed, boxed with a sidebar on left or right, full width, full width with a sidebar on left or right.
  11. Header menu(My account / Cart / Search box) alignment
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