Live Search and Custom Fields is a Premium WordPress Filter Plugin that provides an easy way to create custom posts, custom fields and generate a live filter using custom posts and custom fields from your WordPress site. It’s built with AngularJS – a javascript framework created by Google and it’s up at latest WordPress standards.
- 1. Create/remove custom posts and custom taxonomies.
- 2. Display Custom Posts.
- 3. Create Custom Fields for any Custom Post Type.
Custom Fields Types:
- 1. Text field
- 2. Date field
- 3. Radio Button field
- 4. Checkbox field
- 5. Select field
- 6. Checkbox with icons field
- 7. Variation/Relationship field
- 4. Display custom fields in any custom post page.
- 5. Generate a live filter/search using custom posts.
- Live/instant general search
- Search by taxonomies/categories
- Search by Custom Fields
- Range Field – an additional custom field for your filter. Search by numeric values(By “Text” field)
- Date Interval Field – an additional custom field for your filter. Search between dates (by “Date” field)
- Featured Field – an additional custom field for your filter. A Featured field for your post listing.
- 6. Display a live filter by copying the generated shortcode inside WordPres page.
- 7. Customize the main color from your Filter.