Simple to customize, lightweight and fast loading, Spiffy is a perfect choice for multiple niches: fashion, blogging, travel, portfolio, style, personal, food & recipes, photography etc.
It’s made to work great with Jetpack & WooCommerce plugins. Easy to change settings from Customizer with Live Preview.
Spiffy comes with option to change the color scheme. Choose that one that fits better on your website.
Choose from multiple versions of blog style: minimalist, classic, grid, standard. columns or with random size cells.
Build an online store in just minutes. Spiffy is fully compatible with WooCommerce plugin, has a nice design and interactions for all devices.
Display Food Menu on your website. This option is available from Jetpack plugin, each menu item is currently a custom post, which provides more content for search engines. It's a good option to boost website in search results.
Built on Bootstrap 3, the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. Tha layout automatically adapts to fit on any screen resolution on all devices: desktop, tablet and mobile.
Customize the header: choose the logo and menu links position: standard(logo on top and menu under it) or logo on the center and menu items on the left and right of it.
Choose the placement of the logo from standard (logo up and menu under) or with logo on the center of the page with menu on left and right of the logo.
Which layout is the best choice for your website: boxed, full width, with sidebar on the left or right? Test it and select the one you like.
Our team is working hard on Spiffy theme and developing new features to provide best solution which can be used for any type of business.
It's build to be fully compatible with Jetpack plugin. You can use functionality like Featured Posts, Testimonials, Food Menu, Portfolio, Contact form, Gallery slider etc.
Theme documentation written by our team covers everything you need to know about 'Spiffy'.
Written by developers with more than 7 years experience, code is well structured and respects all WordPress guidelines and best practices.
Theme can be translated in multiple languages. By default it comes with translated string for Romanian language.
Spiffy Theme is cross-browser compatible, tested on multiple environments. It's compatible with IE 9+, Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.
We used 2 font families: Josefin Sans and Maven Pro. But you can customize fonts as you want.
Not sure if it fits your needs? Want to test before paying for it? Then you have to try the Lite version.
Spiffy Lite